Book a free demo online
With this new free service, you can attend a personalized demonstration based on your needs, comfortably from your home, telling us the best date for you. You will simply have to fill in the form below, then confirm your data.
Let us know if you use software like Skype or Hangouts, that you are familiar with and which we can use for demonstration. Otherwise, before the demo, you will be contacted and in two minutes, we will organize the presentation together.
If you need it immediately, no problem! We will quickly organize a dedicated session for you; request it now using the support chat, or call us by phone.

NuvolaPay by Sargo soc. coop.
Via Calamandrei, 54 52100 Arezzo

Support hours
Monday Friday: 8:30 – 18:00
Saturday: 9:00 – 12:00

Tuscany: 0583 1646122
Romagna: 0541 1646266
Liguria: 010 8566935
(Art. 13 D.Lgs. n. 196/2003)
Pursuant to art. 13 of Legislative Decree. n. 196/2003 (code on the protection of personal data) We inform you that the owner of the http domain name:// is the Sargo cooperative society, which manages its home page sections.
1) Purpose of the treatment: the processing of personal data that you communicate to us or of those already in our possession will be / are processed for the following purposes:
a) for our customers and suppliers:
- execution of contractual obligations or assigned tasks, management of appointments and other services and obligations related to our consultancy;
- needs related to the administration of existing contractual relationships such as the preparation and processing of the related documentation, management of potential and existing relationships (correspondence, telephone communications, fax or e- e-mail, request or management of quotes and offers, technical and organizational assistance and advice), credit and debt management, insurance needs;
- for other subjects who request it: with your consent, direct sending of information and promotional material, by mail, fax or e-mail, like magazines, booklets, invitations to events, seminars and other events, connected to the activity of our company.
- Moreover, your personal data will be / are processed if necessary for the following purposes:
- to fulfill the obligations established by law, Community regulations or regulations, in particular, in execution of civil and fiscal obligations (issue of tax documents, accounting management, etc.);
- for those who register online for our newsletter, personal data will be / are entered in our electronic address book.
At any time you can exercise the rights referred to in art. 7 of Legislative Decree. n. 196/2003, in particular, the right to request the deletion of data and to oppose their processing for sending the aforementioned material and the newsletter. Requests for access to data pursuant to art. 7 they can be forwarded to the following address: Sargo Soc. coop. in via Calamandrei, 54 52100 Arezzo (WITH) or write an e-mail to with object "DATA CANCELLATION”.
2) Processing methods: the data processing takes place in paper form and / or with the aid of electronic or telematic tools designed to store, manage and transmit the data, with logic strictly related to the purposes themselves, and with your commitment to promptly notify us of any corrections, additions and / or updates.
3) Disclosure of data: your data can be communicated, if necessary and with logic strictly related to the purposes referred to in the first point, in whole or in part, a:
- administrations, public authorities and bodies, domestic and / or foreign, in fulfillment of the obligations established by law, Community regulations or regulations;
- to all natural and / or legal persons, public and private, if the communication is necessary or useful and instrumental to the aforementioned purposes such as, eg, companies that carry out mail transmission and sorting activities, companies providing e-mail services, transport companies, credit institutions with which Sargo soc. coop. maintains financial relationships, consultants or service companies and their collaborators who perform on behalf of Sargo soc. coop, as part of the obligations and rights provided by law, specific assignments such as legal and tax advice offices, auditors.
Moreover, may become aware of your personal data, within the aforementioned purposes, those in charge, internal and / or external, by Sargo soc. coop. Which, those in charge of the administrative sector (accounting, secretary, etc.), those in charge of our press office, technicians responsible for the maintenance of our IT system.
4) Nature of data provision and consequences in case of refusal: the provision of your personal data is optional, as long as it is not required to fulfill legal or contractual obligations. In case of your refusal to provide the data or to allow their treatment or their communication, it may result:
- for our customers and suppliers: the inability to fulfill all or part of the contractual obligations;
- for newsletter subscribers: the inability to send any type of newsletter in electronic format ;
- for other interested parties: the inability to send our information material, promotional and advertising.
His refusal to process personal data for the purpose of sending our information material, promotional and advertising as well as our newsletter has no consequence on the other services we provide.
5) Scope of data disclosure: Personal data are not subject to disclosure, except in the cases indicated above and related to the provision of the Mortgage Credit Network services.
6) Rights of the interested party: as an interested party we recognize the rights referred to in art. 7 of Legislative Decree. 196/2003 from cui, the right to obtain confirmation of the existence or not of personal data concerning you, the right to obtain the update, rectification or integration of data, the right to obtain cancellation, transformation into anonymous form or blocking of data processed in violation of the law, the right to object, for legitimate reasons, the processing of their personal data, as well as the right to object to the processing of personal data for the purpose of sending informative material, promotional, advertising and newsletter. The above rights can be exercised at the data controller.
7) Holder of the treatment:
- Sargo Soc. coop. Via Calamandrei, 54 – 52100 Arezzo – Cod. tax and VAT number 02082240512. PEC of the company:
The complete lists of data processors and system administrators are available at the Sargo Soc office. coop.
Using the services on the portal and / or expressing consent to registration, those who browse the site guarantee that any personal data provided are correct., truthful and updated. It is committed, Moreover, to promptly update the recorded data so that they are constantly updated, complete and truthful.